Historische Altstadt Monschau, © vennbahn.eu
  • Distance: 34.6 km
  • Duration: 4:15 h
  • Difficulty: easy

Venn- und Rurlandschaft bei Monschau


This cycling tour crosses the moor. You’ll follow sturdy cycling trails through Hohe Venn and discover the unique moorland. You can look forward to dense forests and a rustic landscape of moorland and heath. The last five kilometres of the route has a little culture in store for you, too: discover the former smugglers’ village of Mützenich, the historic old town of Monschau, the viaduct and Reichenstein abbey, and the ‘Eifeldom’ church.


Useful information about the ‘Hohe Venn’:


Plants: In every season, you’ll see all kinds of majestic plants on the moors and heathland. In spring, you will see delicate white-pink flecks of cranberry and heather rosemary. In early summer, white cotton grass blooms and in late summer and autumn, the purple heather brightens the moor. After the first frost, you’ll marvel at the rust-orange moor grass, and in winter, the typical gnarled downy birch trees.

Animals: The moor is home to a few rare animals such as black grouse, wild cats, badgers, foxes and many species of bird.

Wayside crosses: In the past, a few hikers have lost their lives in the moor. The wayside crosses bear testament to their tragic tales. The famous ‘Cross of the Betrothed’, for instance, was built for a couple who lost their lives in a snowstorm.


Tip: You can find out even more in the Ternell nature centre along the way.


Places of interest along the route:


  • Hohes Venn
  • Haus Ternell
  • Osthertogenwald
  • Historische Altstadt Monschau
  • Schmugglerstatue Mützenich
  • Kloster Reichenstein
  • Rurtal
  • Viadukt Reichenstein
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Along the route

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More information about this route

Distance: 34.6 km

Duration: 4:15 h

Difficulty: easy

Ascent: 342 m

Descent: 342 m

Venn- und Rurlandschaft bei Monschau


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