Luftbild Rursee, © StädteRegion Aachen
  • Distance: 65.3 km
  • Duration: 4:30 h
  • Difficulty: easy

RurUfer-Radweg (Etappe 1) - Signal de Botragne - Heimbach

Whizzing through stunning natural surroundings on two wheels – pausing here and there to soak up panoramic views or enjoy a culinary pitstop. The RurUfer-Radweg cycle path, which passes through three different countries, offers the perfect opportunity to do just that. In this first section, you’ll discover stunning landscapes. From the source of the Rur in Signal de Botrange – Belgium’s highest point, situated in Hohe Venn – it heads through the Rur valley to its lake plateau via the former textile manufacturing town of Monschau.


Every single one of the sixty-five kilometres that make up the route is worth seeing and an experience for body and soul. From high moorland and slate rock to the vast dammed bodies of water in Eifel National Park – the start of this stunning cycle path couldn’t be more varied.


Highlights along the route:

  • Signal de Botrange   
  • Hohes Venn  (Marshland) 
  • Eifel Cathedral Kalterherberg   
  • Old Town Monschau   
  • Historical mustard mill Monschau   
  • Red House Monschau   
  • Eifel National Park with the Rurberg and Heimbach National Parks and the National Park Information Point in Einruhr   
  • Upper lake with Rursee boat trip   
  • Schwammenauel dam   
  • Heimbach art nouveau power station   
  • Water Info Centre Eifel   
  • Heimbach International Art Academy and Hengebach Castle
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Along the route

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More information about this route

Distance: 65.3 km

Duration: 4:30 h

Difficulty: easy

Ascent: 263 m

Descent: 749 m

RurUfer-Radweg (Etappe 1) - Signal de Botragne - Heimbach


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