Imstenraderbos, © Visit Zuid Limburg
  • Distance: 7.3 km
  • Duration: 1:58 h
  • Difficulty: easy

Imstenrade Forest route Heerlen HE3

The yellow poles show you the way on this Nature Preservation Society route from Imstenrade to Benzenrade. You can complete this walking route in style with a delicious seasonal dish at Het Koffiehuuske café, at the edge of the forest, where excellent parking facilities are also provided.

If you have any comments about the route, please report them to A complete walking map showing many dozens of other walking routes in this region can be easily ordered from

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More information about this route

Start: Imstenrade 4-5, Heerlen

Destination: Imstenrade 4-5, Heerlen

Distance: 7.3 km

Duration: 1:58 h

Difficulty: easy

Ascent: 113 m

Descent: 113 m

Imstenrader Wald Route Heerlen HE3


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