Sternwarte eXplorion, © Textquelle: Print n Press Verlag GmbH
  • Distance: 12.7 km
  • Duration: 3:14 h
  • Difficulty: easy

Brunssum Heath Route NM3

Welcome to glorious South Limburg and especially to the municipalities of Brunssum and Heerlen. This Nature Preservation Society route takes you across the beautiful Brunssum Heath area. Thanks to geological activities in the past, Brunssum heath has become a multi-faceted nature reserve where forests, heaths, streams, marshes, farmland and sand flats mark out the landscape. At the heart of the heathland are the natural springs which are the source of the Rode Beek, where bog formation occurs. There are a few bogs, both on the moors and in the forests. This route can be tackled by following dark green aluminium bands affixed to black plastic posts. Parking is available at the Brunssum Heath Visitor Centre (Schaapskooiweg 99, Heerlen), where you can also enjoy a delicious cup of coffee. From the car park, walk past the Visitor Centre and you'll see the references to this route in dark green at the first path to the left on signpost number DG1. If you have any comments about the route, please report them to A complete walking map showing many dozens of other walking routes in this region can be easily ordered from

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More information about this route

Start: Schaapskooiweg 99, Heerlen

Destination: Schaapskooiweg 99, Heerlen

Distance: 12.7 km

Duration: 3:14 h

Difficulty: easy

Ascent: 101 m

Descent: 101 m

Brunssummerheide-Route NM3


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