Aan de Worm, © Visit Zuid Limburg
  • Distance: 36.1 km
  • Duration: 2:32 h
  • Difficulty: easy

Border Cycle Route Parkstad Limburg

Welcome to glorious South Limburg and especially to Parkstad Limburg. The name Parkstad (Park City) evokes both rural and urban associations. This is because the cities and villages are bordered by magnificent parks and nature reserves. An area of extremes and contrasts... Parkstad Limburg Region won the "Best Travel Destination in the World" category of the Tourism of Tomorrow Award 2016. WTTC stands for World Travel & Tourism Council and is based in the US. Every year, this global authority on travel and tourism chooses a winner from among the most progressive travel destinations in the world. Never before had the Netherlands been nominated for a WTTC Award, let alone a region in the Netherlands as the best travel destination. Parkstad Limburg, South Limburg and indeed all of Limburg is very proud of this!

This border route follows the course of the river Wurm, which rises in Aachen. The river flows northwards through the municipalities of Würselen, Herzogenrath, Übach-Palenberg, Geilenkirchen and Heinsberg and finally into the Ruhr. From Herzogenrath to Übach-Palenberg, the river serves as a border with the Dutch municipalities of Kerkrade and Landgraaf. This route starts from the car park near Rolduc Abbey (Heyendallaan 82, Kerkrade). The cross-border intersection system makes it easy to find your way around. You will be amazed by the glorious countryside, the beautiful panoramic views and of course the terraces where you can take a break.

If you have any comments about the route, please report them to routepunt@visitzuidlimburg.nl. You can order a complete cycle intersection map showing all the South Limburg intersections in this region from www.webshop.visitzuidlimburg.nl.

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More information about this route

Start: Abdij Rolduc, Heyendallaan 82, 6464 EP Kerkrade

Destination: Abdij Rolduc, Heyendallaan 82, 6464 EP Kerkrade

Distance: 36.1 km

Duration: 2:32 h

Difficulty: easy

Ascent: 198 m

Descent: 198 m

Grenzradtour Parkstadt Limburg


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