Wijngoed Fromberg, © Visit Zuid Limburg
  • Distance: 70.6 km
  • Duration: 5:7 h
  • Difficulty: medium

Wine Route South Limburg

You'll brave climb after climb through Limburg's Heuvelland region. On the way, you'll encounter well-known Limburg vineyards, such as Wijngoed Fromberg, Domein Holset, Wijngaard Kruisboom, Wijngoed Wahlwiller and Wijndomein St Martinus. You will also discover various other locations that are likewise known for their South Limburg regional produce, such as Chateau St. Gerlach and Eyserhalte. All in all, there's enough to discover during this route, which also sets a tough challenge for experienced cyclists. In the months of September and October you can visit one of the wine tastings along the way, or pick grapes at the St Martinus Wine Estate. The route starts at St Martinus, where ample parking is provided. You then follow the Wine Route through the following intersections: 90-86-85-58-59-60-61-63-62-56-55-54-57-88-87-96-94-93-90.

If you have any comments about the route, please report them to routepunt@visitzuidlimburg.nl. You can order a complete cycle intersection map showing all the South Limburg intersections in this region from www.webshop.visitzuidlimburg.nl.

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More information about this route

Start: Rotterstraat 6-14, Vijlen

Destination: Rotterstraat 6-14, Vijlen

Distance: 70.6 km

Duration: 5:7 h

Difficulty: medium

Ascent: 423 m

Descent: 423 m

Weinroute Süd-Limburg


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