Burg Eicks, © Nordeifel Tourismus GmbH
  • Distance: 55.4 km
  • Duration: 3:30 h
  • Difficulty: easy

Water Castle Route: Stage 7a Heimbach-Rheinbach

Castles, castles and more castles – that’s what this section of the Moated Castle Route is all about. From magnificent palaces like the former noble seat of the Rhine, Eicks Palace, to medieval moated castles like Satzvey, this stage may be the most densely packed with sights along the route. But take care: when visiting these noble sites, you mustn’t lose sight of their stunning natural surroundings. As in every section of the Moated Castle Route, water plays a key role, taking a variety of forms in moats, rivers and babbling brooks along the way.


Castles along the route:


  • Burg Hengebach
  • Burg Vlatten
  • Burg Berg
  • Schloss Eicks
  • Burg Kommern
  • Burg Satzvey
  • Schloss Wachendorf
  • Untere Burg Antweiler
  • Burg Arloff
  • Burg Kirspenich
  • Hardtburg
  • Burg Niederkastenholz
  • Burg Flamersheim
  • Burg Schweinheim
  • Burg Ringsheim
  • Rheinbacher Burg/Hexenturm

 Other Highlights along the route:


  • Nationalpark-Tor Heimbach
  • Jugendstilkraftwerk Heimbach
  • LVR-Freilichtmuseum Kommern, Mechernich-Kommern
  • Steinbachtalsperre, Euskirchen-Kirchhein
  • Alte Mühle Arloff, an der Erf
  • Laurentiusbrunnen Niederkastenholz
  • Feuerwehrmuseum Euskirchen-Flamersheim
  • Kutschenmuseum Rheinbach
  • Naturparkzentrum Himmeroder Hof
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Along the route

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More information about this route

Distance: 55.4 km

Duration: 3:30 h

Difficulty: easy

Ascent: 490 m

Descent: 497 m

Wasserburgen-Route: Etappe 7a Heimbach-Rheinbach


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