Familienausflug Blaustein-See, © StädteRegion Aachen
  • Distance: 35.7 km
  • Duration: 2:30 h
  • Difficulty: easy

Rund um die Bergbaustadt Alsdorf

This beautiful and varied tour starts in Alsdorf and first leads to the Alsdorf zoo. Along the Broichbach stream, the route first follows unsurfaced paths through the idyllic Broichbach valley, which we follow to its source in Linden-Neusen. From there, the route continues to St. Jöris, where the Kambach house is well worth a visit. This beautiful castle is used as a restaurant and also serves as a clubhouse for the adjoining golf club. If you like, you can take a break here and recharge your batteries for the rest of the tour, which continues through Warden and Hoengen, surrounded by fields and pastures, until you finally arrive in Alsdorf town center. The former mining community is now a modern town with 48,000 inhabitants and the former industrial areas of the Anna mine have been transformed into the "Anna Park". Today, only the winding tower remains of the former colliery, but the history can be relived and experienced at Energeticon. Under the motto "Experience energy, understand energy", young and old can experience and explore the process of energy production from the past to the present in an exciting way. We then leave Alsdorf town center in a northerly direction and cycle through agricultural land towards Busch and Zopp, where we return to the Broichbach valley and cycle "upstream" towards the Alsdorf zoo and our starting point.

Highlights along the route:

  • Haus Kambach
  • Blausteinsee lake
  • Energeticon
  • Alsdorf Zoo
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More information about this route

Distance: 35.7 km

Duration: 2:30 h

Difficulty: easy

Ascent: 90 m

Descent: 90 m

Rund um die Bergbaustadt Alsdorf


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