On the Roof of Belgium
The tour starts at the former railway station of Kalterherberg and leads us right at the beginning of the tour through the foothills of the Osthertogenwald to the roof of Belgium, as Signal de Botrange is also called as Belgium's highest point.
This unique landscape with its ponds, moors and birch forests presents itself wide and open. Wooden walkways lead safely through the once impassable terrain and ensure that one can explore the landscape on dry ground. Regardless of the season, the high moor fascinates with its diverse plant species. In spring and summer it is colourful, while in winter the gnarled birch trees with their bizarre silhouettes create a gruesomely beautiful atmosphere.
Via the quaint villages of Ovifat and Longfaye we continue to Lake Robertville. Situated at the foot of the Hohes Venn, this picturesque village offers a green oasis in pure nature. The dreamy lake, the valleys dug deep into the landscape by the rivers and streams, dark forests and the excellently preserved medieval castle Reinhardstein characterize this region.
The tour continues via the villages of Walk, Bruyerses, Gueuzaine and Champagne to the Vennbahn. Where once trains ran on coal and steel, today cyclists can explore the unique low mountain range landscape of the Eifel/Ardennes comfortably and with little gradient. Not much reminds of the former operation of the Vennbahn between Aachen and the north of the Grand Duchy. Isolated abandoned stations such as the well-preserved station building near Sourbrodt, parked wagons or solidified signal systems are witnesses of this eventful time. The route then winds its way back to the starting point in Kalterherberg above the Rur in elegant arches.
Highlights along the route
Eifel Cathedral Kalterherberg
Signal de Botrange
Hohes Venn
Lake of Robertville
Reinhardstein Castle
Rur Valley