Historische Altstadt Monschau, © vennbahn.eu
  • Distance: 40.7 km
  • Duration: 4:0 h
  • Difficulty: easy

Monschauer Heckenland-Route - Einruhr-Monschau-Rundfahrt


From Einruhr, the tour first leads through the Eifel National Park, the only national park in North Rhine-Westphalia. Here, forests characterised by beech trees line the path. In accordance with the motto of all German national parks "Let nature be nature", the valuable natural treasures of the Eifel are protected in the Eifel National Park over an area of 110 square kilometres. Typical for the landscape are the numerous imposing metre-high hedgerows within the settlements, which were built as windbreaks for the individual farms, as well as a distinctive hedgerow system that crosses fields and meadows. In Monschau-Höfen in particular, you will find several absolutely worth seeing Vennhöfe with metre-high, artistically designed hedges into which entrances, windows and archways were cut. The idyllically situated former clothmaker's town of Monschau along the route invites you to linger. Anyone who has strolled through the old town of Monschau will understand why Monschau is also called "the pearl of the Eifel" or "Rhenish Rothenburg". The townscape here has remained virtually unchanged for almost 300 years: A half-timbered idyll and quarry stone buildings, unparalleled in their uniqueness today. Via the picturesque Rurtal valley, the tour finally takes you back to the Rursee in a relaxed manner, where you can round off the day with a leisurely boat trip across the Eifel lake district.  


  • Obersee with Rursee boat trip   
  • Eifel National Park with the National Parks in Einruhr and Höfen   
  • Monschau hedgerow landscape   
  • Historic old town of Monschau + Red House   
  • Rurtal valley   
  • In spring - daffodil blossom near Monschau Höfen
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More information about this route

Distance: 40.7 km

Duration: 4:0 h

Difficulty: easy

Ascent: 366 m

Descent: 364 m

Monschauer Land Touristik e.V.

Seeufer 3
52152 Simmerath-Einruhr
Phone: +49 (0)2473 / 9377 - 0

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