Brücke im Wurmtal, © StädteRegion Aachen
  • Distance: 17.7 km
  • Duration: 5:0 h
  • Difficulty: medium

Hiking in the Wurm Valley - from Herzogenrath to Aachen


From Herzogenrath railway station, turn right onto the European Walking Route E8, which after 3 km crosses the Wurm and leads you to Wilhelmstein high atop the Wurm Valley. Originally built as a medieval border outpost, today this castle ruin is one of the Wurm Valley’s biggest recreational attractions. In the summer months, visitors come from far and wide to enjoy cultural events like concerts (from classical to rock), theatre, cabaret and open-air cinema, here under the shade of the castle walls. And it is here where the most scenic part of the hike begins: through the Wurm Valley landscape conservation area, the river Wurm meanders through woods and meadows all the way to the outskirts of Soers, north of Aachen.

And after a healthy dose of nature, you reach the urban periphery. Soon, you see the revolving tower and restaurant at Lousberg rising in the distance, and finally, after just a few steps over the Salvator Hill you reach Aachen Cathedral, where this hike ends and you finish your day with a pleasant stroll through the historic old town centre of Aachen.


Highlights along the way:

  • Rode Castle
  • Wilhelmstein Castle
  • Wurm Valley
  • Lousberg
  • Historic old town centre of Aachen, with cathedral (Aachener Dom)
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More information about this route

Start: Herzogenrath Train Station

Destination: Aachen Cathedral

Distance: 17.7 km

Duration: 5:0 h

Difficulty: medium

Ascent: 155 m

Descent: 258 m

Grünmetropole e.V.

Konrad-Adenauer-Allee 7
52477 Alsdorf
Phone: +49-(0)241-5198-2123

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