Erlebnistour: Kleine Entdecker unterwegs mit dem Stadtwächter
Apr 23, 2025 - Oct 15, 2025
"Hello Mr. City Watchman, what do you actually do all day? Why are you wearing such "funny" clothes? " You can ask the Monschau town watchman all this and much more in person on his tour. Let yourself be surprised by the interesting stories about how people used to live in Monschau. And it will be really exciting in the small, almost invisible, hidden alleyways and mysterious walls that he will then show you. And we won't tell you any more....
23.04.2025 15:00
23.07.2025 15:00
15.10.2025 15:00
90 minutes
€ 9.00 per person
Children up to 12 years € 6.00
Children up to 6 years free
Meeting point:
Gerberplatz in Stadtstraße 33, 52156 Monschau