

Not only the sheer size of the grave slabs but also their design and especially the decoration with coats of arms testify to the self-esteem and social position of the copper masters.
The mighty slabs, mostly hewn from bluestone, are said to have come mainly from the Rotsch quarry.

Due to a dispute between Catholics, Reformed and Lutherans over a cemetery fee in the 17th century, which did not apply to members of the Catholic Church in Stolberg, the Reformed and Lutheran congregations established their own cemetery.
The first burial took place in 1886, when copper master Johannes Makant was buried.
The preserved mirck on the gravestone is interesting. This is very unusual for art objects.
The gravestones of the copper master's grave date back to the 17th century and bear all the names of Stolberg's leading copper master families.

Discover these and other sights on a tour of the old town on our copper vein. The flyer "The Copper Vein" leads you through the romantic alleys of the old town to the most important buildings and places! You will also come across one or two former copper courtyards. You can find out more about all the copper courtyards in our flyer "Kupferstadt & Kupferhöfe". masters.

mehr lesen pdf: Flyer Kupferaderpdf: Flyer Kupferstadt & Kupferhöfepdf: The Copper Veinpdf: De koperaderpdf: La veine de cuivre

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  • From January 1st to December 31st
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